With higher crop yields, lower costs and an increased awareness of regenerative agriculture, the Regenerative Cotton Standard® (RCS) is delivering promising results after only one harvest in the Indian state of Maharashtra.
The findings from the initial RCS verification and an analysis of the measures implemented within the RCS framework in India demonstrate the standard’s effectiveness and feasibility. They also underline its transformational potential for building up the resilience and sustainability of the cotton industry.
Around 5,000 farmers in over 70 villages in the Indian state of Maharashtra began cultivating cotton in accordance with the RCS standard last season. They have now reaped the fruits of their labour, harvesting about 4,400 tonnes of ginned RCS cotton. Farmers report an increase in yield of 2 percent compared with the previous harvest; in combination with a simultaneous cost reduction of 7 percent, this has led to higher net incomes for the farmers.
The environment benefits, too. The use of biochar helps to regenerate depleted soils.
Demonstration fields where biochar was tested achieved a yield 15 percent higher than that of conventional cotton cultivation. At a more individual level, 90 percent of participants consider the new training methodology effective.
Coming after the first harvest, the farmers’ positive feedback on RCS’s training methods and innovative approaches underscores the success the standard is having in India.
To ensure the successful implementation of the project and to directly involve the local population in the process, a wide range of measures were taken, including the involvement of local leaders, close co-operation with lead farmers, and the establishment of farmers’ groups to ensure direct communication with the farming communities.
Through a variety of approaches—including targeted support for women, the creation of demonstration fields, and workshops and training materials for the introduction of regenerative cultivation methods—cotton farmers were convinced to give the standard a chance and to try out its production methods, such as cover crop cultivation, crop rotation, and methods for soil conservation and for organic nutrient management.
Numerous farmers attended training sessions and Farmer Field Day events to experience, at first hand, the efficiency of the Regenerative Cotton Standard® and its measures.
The practicality and efficiency of RCS were tested on site by AbTF together with its partner, Vijay Cotton & Fibre CO. LLP, and over 40 agricultural consultants.