
India's Textile Sector

Given the incremental propensity to purchase, backed by strong Indian macroeconomic stability and demography, India's textile industry continues to be in good shape. Better-than-expected international demand, validated by the latest data derived from the "HSBC Flash India Composite Output Index," only corroborates the thesis, reflecting a three-month (3) high of 59.5 in November 2024, indicating directionally strong growth momentum.


The UNDP B+HR Global Programme, with support from the Government of Japan and in partnership with the Confederation of Indian Textiles Industry, is collaborating with the private sector to support businesses, their partners, and suppliers in implementing responsible business practices throughout business models and value chains across various sectors/industries.


APTEXPO 2024, the global platform for top decision-makers in textiles, apparel, fashion, and their supply chains, has concluded its inaugural edition after an exciting three days of activities in Singapore.

With industry players in attendance for on-stage panel discussions, numerous new product launches and showcases, and high-level closed-door discussions, the convention has elevated the stage for resounding change.

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