It comes strongly on the vast network of 800+ Trendspotters across India that gathers real-time fashion data, which its profound proprietary deep learning model, DeepVision, then deciphers. Well-tailored and curated for our Indian market, DeepVision promises to deliver accurate, authentic, and localized trend insights across various product categories.
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It well presents these findings in engaging formats, including infographics, comprehensive trend reports, in-depth mindset analyses, and exhaustive trend books.
Harnessing scientifically by combining big data, cutting-edge AI tools, and a profound understanding of human emotions, VisioNxt enables at ensuring the Indian fashion and retail sectors with invaluable foresight into emerging trends, shifting consumer preferences, and evolving behaviors.
Launched today in the presence of H'ble Textile Minister of India, Pabitra Margherita, Union Minister of State, secretary textile, Ms. Rachna Shah, Addl Sec., Rohit Kansal & DG, Ms. Tanu Kashyap NIFT @ Taj Mahal, New Delhi with fanfare before the August gathering of who's who from the space of Indian fashion industry to help trade march ahead against the backdrop of changing global fashion landscape and truly was a momentous occasion in the Indian fashion industry.