The 'Kasturi Cotton' initiative was made a business case at Bharat Tex 2025, given its booth was a big draw and was well received throughout, drawing remarkable attention and admiration from key stakeholders in the textile sector.
Hon'ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his visit, discussed and took serious note of the program's advancement with Vijay Agarwal (Chairman, TEXPROCIL), Lalit Gupta (CMD, CCI), Dhirubhai Knaetiya (Director, Maruti Texprocess), and Dinakaran Sambandam (Joint MD, Sambandan Spinning Mills), among others.
"The impressive presence of 'Kasturi Cotton' at Bharat Tex 2025 was a firm demonstrability of the rising global recognition of Indian cotton in the competitive industry landscape. The sector's positive recognition, response, and the strategic collaborations we've established underpin the big potential of this program to shape and drive the future of Indian textiles," commented Vijay Agarwal, Chairman of TEXPROCIL.
A very well-attended Masterclass on Kasturi Cotton, presented by Sunil Patwari (An industry expert & Immediate Past Chairman, TEXPROCIL) and Dr. P.K. Mandhayan, underpinning emphatically the program's increasing prominence.
A momentous achievement was the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Alok Industries Ltd. and Indo Count, focused at promoting Kasturi Cotton globally.
With a sharp focus aimed at encouraging participation in the widely accepted Kasturi Cotton program, the inaugural CITI-TEXPROCIL Leading Ginners’ Award was presented. The unique presence of a good number of brands at the event, which displayed products made solely from "Kasturi Cotton" disseminated contagious energy.
Kasturi Cotton's visibility and presence in Bharat Tex 2025 speak volumes of a notable advancement towards establishing a globally recognized Indian cotton brand and solidifying the Indian textile industry. This super initiative's success is all thanks to the support of all involved stakeholders and their unwavering, incredible government support.